Existing permissions
nordIX AG has licenses for:
Acquisition brokerage (§1 Abs. 1a S. 2 Nr. 2 KWG)
Investment advice (§1 Abs. 1a S. 2 Nr. 1a KWG)
Investment brokerage (§1 Abs. 1a S. 2 Nr. 1 KWG)
Investment management (§1 Abs. 1a S. 2 Nr. 11 KWG)
Financial portfolio management (§1 Abs. 1a S. 2 Nr. 3 KWG)
Proprietary trading (investment book) (§ 32 Abs. 1a KWG)
nordIX is not authorized to obtain ownership or possession of funds or securities from your clients.
Tax information
VAT ID: DE25 40 74 40 2
Disclosures pursuant to § 7 InstitutsVergV
As a financial services institution, we are subject to the "Ordinance on the Regulatory Requirements for Compensation Systems of Institutions". This ordinance distinguishes between simple and significant institutions. As our total assets have neither reached nor exceeded the amount of 10 billion euros in the last three financial years, nordIX has not been considered a "significant institution" to date. Nevertheless, we are required under Section 7 of this ordinance to publish information on the structure of the remuneration systems and the total amount of all remuneration on our website.
Employees within the means of the Remuneration Ordinance for Institutions are our two managing directors / members of the management board and our employees. Compensation consists of a fixed component and, in positions of increased responsibility, a variable component. The variable compensation may not exceed 100% of the fixed compensation. The allocation of components takes into account on the one hand the interest of both employees and the company by providing employees with calculable cash flows, and on the other hand is influenced by the consideration of giving employees a share in the success of the company and thus creating a high incentive for successful activity through variable compensation elements. This also reduces cost risks and thus ensures the financial stability of the company, as the amount of the institute's expenses rises and falls with the revenues generated. The remuneration of employees is based on their tasks and areas of responsibility, takes into account their experience and performance, and is aligned with the remuneration paid on the market for comparable tasks or persons. The variable compensation is based on the success of the company or takes into account the profitability and customer satisfaction of the areas for which they are responsible. The compensation system is reviewed annually and adjusted if necessary. Given the current size of the institution, information on absolute amounts would allow concrete conclusions to be drawn about the remuneration of individual employees. For this reason, no concrete information will be provided for the time being in view of the institution's obligation to protect the privacy of its employees.