Independence from the stock and bond market
How does the nordIX European Consumer Credit Fund work?
In 2021, we launched the public AIF nordIX European Consumer Credit Fund (DE000A2P37M1), a fund that invests exclusively in consumer loans granted by online lending platforms from European countries. This is the first time that the fund offers investors the opportunity to invest in European consumer credit via a mutual fund.
The granting of consumer loans via lending platforms has become increasingly important in recent years and the structure of investors has changed significantly. A large proportion of the capital now comes from institutional investors.
The aim of the nordIX European Consumer Credit Fund is to manage a highly granular portfolio diversified by country and originator with consumer loans from around 15-20 platforms.
Opportunities beyond traditional investments
Opportunities beyond traditional investments

nordIX European Consumer Credit Fund (Bloomberg prices) - performance as expected

Key data of the European Consumer Credit Fund (ECCF)
- First European diversified consumer credit fund in this asset class in Germany (launched in 2021)
- Pure consumer credit exposure, FX risk hedged
- Fund volume: EUR 66 million
- Number of consumer loans: ~ 68,000
- Number of countries: 8
- Number of platforms through which investments are made: 10
- Diversification of the portfolio by country
- Weighted average life 1.6
- Default rate: less than 2%
Further details on the investment strategy, performance and other important data can be found in the corresponding factsheets

1. The output load is a fee that is usually charged once when fund units are issued. The fee may be waived for some providers.
2. Ongoing costs are all costs incurred in the past financial year (01.10.2021 to 30.09.2022) that were caused by the operation and management of the fund. Transaction costs and fees linked to the performance of the fund are not included.
Investment ratio is now at ~ 95%
Distribution of loans at portfolio level

Returns in the ECCF portfolio
We have current consumer loans in the following countries:
Consumer credit investments in the pipeline for the following countries:

Digitally brokered consumer loans from Europe provide institutional and retail investors with an innovative fixed income segment with a stable interest rate trend. An active asset management approach also ensures a high-quality and diversified portfolio that minimizes investment risk.
Claus Tumbrägel, Management Board & Managing Partner