Invest in the democratisation of credit markets

nordIX Digital Lending

Digital lending describes the process of granting loans via online platforms, it has experienced an impressive rise in recent years. Many borrowers are looking online for quick and convenient offers. Investing via online lending companies, offers investors the opportunity to achieve returns independently of the stock and bond markets.

With the nordIX European Consumer Credit Fund, which was launched in 2021 as the first purely European and broadly diversified consumer credit fund in Germany, we offer private and institutional investors the opportunity to generate a steady attractive return while at the same time committing to a democratization of the credit market.

Investments in over 10 platforms

8 countries

~ 53.000 individual loans

Ø Remaining term of loans: 1.7 years

Ø Loan amount 1200 €

12,17% performance since launch

nordIX AG: Fixed Income & Derivatives

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